Foster Hope
Christmas Gift Drive
Every year Foster Hope collects new, unwrapped Christmas presents for children in care throughout New Zealand. Many children enter emergency service facilities during the Christmas period, and we would love your support. Sadly, the festive season is a peak time for child protection agencies that are faced daily with the reality and severity of child abuse, neglect, and crisis in our local communities.
Our aim is to bring a little bit of sunshine and hope to our most vulnerable children. If you would like to donate a present (unwrapped, please) check our drop-off points throughout the country.
While our official cut-off date for these gifts is the 5th of December, it would be wonderful to have the bulk of the gifts in by the 1st of December. This will give us time to distribute them to social workers around the country and account for any additional presents needed ourselves.
Download our Christmas Flyer below for your office.
Christmas Gift Drive
We follow very strict guidelines allocated by the agencies we work with. These guidelines are as follows:

Christmas Gift Drive
How it Works
We provide presents for newborn children through to 18 year olds for boys and girls. We generally always end up with a shortfall of presents for newborns to 4 year olds and 12 to 18 year olds so if you are unsure who to buy gifts for those suitable for children within these age ranges would be greatly appreciated.
You can check out your local branch drop-off points on their respective page details.
Some of our branches around the country have set up a “Sponsor an age group for $250” option, which allows us to go out and buy exactly the gifts that we need for each age group. As this is also tax deductible your dollar will go a lot further.
Let us make Christmas a little brighter for some incredibly vulnerable kids around New Zealand.
Christmas Gift Drive
Gift Ideas