Foster Hope
Adopt an Agency
‘Adopt an Agency’ is a programme Foster Hope has implemented with businesses and other organisations who step in as the drop-off point for fostering agencies in their area. As many of our branches cover a large geographical area it is beneficial to all parties to help bridge these gaps. Companies can help with PJ Drives or Christmas Gift Drives, and directly deliver these items to the agency near them.

Adopt an Agency
How it Works
After expressing your interest in ‘Adopt an Agency’ we match you with a local fostering agency. By deciding to get involved you promote the collection of PJ’s and Christmas gifts for Foster Hope throughout your staff, customers, suppliers, contractors and all others affiliated with your organisation.
Foster Hope will provide email templates for you to distribute through your networks and tools to promote with on your social media. Your organisations can also promote offline, via signs and collection boxes at reception. Items are then brought into your premises as the drop off point, then delivered to your adopted agency once the drive end date is reached (or the agency comes to you, whichever arrangement you come to).
Adopt an Agency
Why should you ‘Adopt an Agency’?

Adopt an Agency
Assist with Pyjama and Christmas Gift Drives
We always welcome the opportunity for organisations to become collection points.
By adopting an agency, you are not only providing a helping hand in fundraising efforts but are also relieving our volunteers of added pressure during the busiest times of the year. It means the world to us!